Mit dem Top of the Mountain Opening Konzert am 30. November 2024 startete Ischgl spektakulär in die Wintersaison 2024/25. Ellie Goulding begeisterte tausende Besucher mit einer mitreißenden Show vor der beeindruckenden Bergkulisse von Ischgl und der Silvretta Arena.
Gelungener Auftakt mit Pop-Star Ellie Goulding.
Die britische Sängerin Ellie Goulding sorgte beim „Top of the Mountain Opening Concert“ für ein Highlight der besonderen Art. Bekannt für ihre unverwechselbare Stimme und ihre kraftvolle
Bühnenpräsenz, begeistert Goulding weltweit Millionen Fans und zählt zu den erfolgreichsten Pop-Künstlerinnen der letzten Jahre. In Ischgl präsentierte sie Hits wie „Love Me Like You Do“ und „Burn“
sowie Songs aus ihrem aktuellen Album „Higher Than Heaven“. Klare Bergluft und die einmalige Umgebung brachten ihre ausdrucksstarke Stimme voll zur Geltung. Die Konzertbesucher erlebten bei
sternenklarem Himmel einen eindrucksvollen Start in die Wintersaison und genossen die einzigartige Verbindung von internationaler Musik und alpiner Atmosphäre.
Wintersport und Entertainment auf höchstem Niveau
Bereits am 28. November 2024 startete der Skibetrieb in der Silvretta Arena. Zum Opening waren 110 Pistenkilometer und 30 Liftanlagen geöffnet, die Wintersportlern beste Bedingungen boten. Am
heutigen Konzerttag waren 17.000 begeisterte Gäste im Skigebiet, um die idealen Pistenverhältnisse und die atemberaubende Kulisse des Skigebiets zu erleben. Der strahlende Sonnenschein am Tag verlieh
der verschneiten Berglandschaft zusätzlichen Glanz.
Mit dem Auftritt von Ellie Goulding und einem rundum gelungenen Eröffnungswochenende unterstrich Ischgl seinen Ruf als Top-Destination für Musik- und Wintersportfans. Die Wintersaison 2024/25 hat mit
diesem fulminanten Auftakt ihre ersten Höhepunkte gesetzt und bis zum letzten Skitag am 4. Mai 2025 warten zahlreiche weitere Highlights.
Auf der Baustelle zum Oktoberfest ist am Vormittag ein Arbeiter bei einem Unfall getötet worden. Er wurde bei einer Achterbahn-Testfahrt von einem Zug erfasst. Das tödliche Unglück löste in München große Bestürzung aus.
Fünf Tage vor Eröffnung des Münchner Oktoberfests hat sich auf einer Achterbahn ein tödlicher Arbeitsunfall zugetragen.
20-jähriger Arbeiter während Testfahrt von Zug erfasst
Nach Informationen der Feuerwehr fanden am "Olympia Looping" Wartungsarbeiten statt. Dabei wurde auch eine Testfahrt durchgeführt. Aus noch unbekannter Ursache befand sich ein 20-jähriger Mitarbeiter
auf der Strecke.
Er sei von dem Zug bei voller Fahrt erfasst worden und unter den Schienen liegengeblieben. Unter laufender Herzdruckmassage kam der Mann in ein Krankenhaus, dort erlag er seinen schweren Verletzungen.
Höchstgeschwindigkeit des Olympia Looping bei 90 km/h
Um die Mitarbeiter der Achterbahn kümmerte sich ein Kriseninterventionsteam. Das Fahrgeschäft ist laut Schaustellerfamilie Barth die weltweit größte transportable Achterbahn. Der Name "Olympia
Looping" bezieht sich auf die fünf Ringe, durch die die Fahrgäste geschickt werden, die Höchstgeschwindigkeit liegt bei 90 Kilometern pro Stunde.
Die Polizei ermittle zum genauen Unfallhergang, sagte ein Sprecher. Unklar war zunächst, warum der Mann so nahe an den Schienen war, dass die Bahn ihn erfassen konnte.
Der Betreiber des betroffenen Fahrgeschäfts, Otto Barth, zeigte sich "zutiefst erschüttert" über das Unglück. Das ganze Team stehe unter Schock, erklärte er am Abend. "Mein tiefes Mitgefühl gilt den Angehörigen und Freunden des Verstorbenen." Er könne sich nicht erklären, wie es zum Unfall kommen konnte. Man stehe dazu im engen Austausch mit den Behörden und unterstütze die Fachleute, die versuchten, die genauen Umstände des Unfalls zu klären.
Fünf Tage vor Beginn des Oktoberfests ist ein Arbeiter bei einem Unfall an einer Achterbahn gestorben.
Schausteller-Kollegen reagieren geschockt
Die Sprecherin der Wiesn-Schausteller, Yvonne Heckl, sprach von einer "Nachricht, die einem den Boden unter den Füßen wegzieht – ein Drama für die Familie, für den Betreiber, für alle anderen
Beteiligten." Die Schausteller-Kollegen fühlten mit den Angehörigen und Betroffenen. "Wir sind eine große Wiesn-Familie", sagte Heckl.
Auch Peter Bausch, der Vorsitzende des Münchner Schaustellerverbandes, reagierte entsetzt: "Es ist ein tragisches Unglück. Dass ein junger Mensch ums Leben gekommen ist: Das ist das Allerschlimmste."
Wiesn-Stadträtin Anja Berger sagte, der Unfall mache sie "unfassbar traurig". "Den Angehörigen des Opfers spreche ich mein aufrichtiges Beileid aus! Meine Gedanken sind auch bei den Mitarbeitenden des Fahrgeschäfts, die nun unter Schock stehen."
"Allerhöchste Sicherheitsstandards"
Yvonne Heckl verwies auf die akribischen Vorbereitungen und die hohen Anforderungen an die Sicherheit auf dem Oktoberfest. "Generell haben wir die allerhöchsten Sicherheitsstandards, aber es gibt
keine vollkommene Sicherheit - da dürfen wir uns nicht täuschen lassen", sagte die Sprecherin der Wiesn-Schausteller. Vor dem Start des Volksfestes werden die Fahrgeschäfte genau überprüft, dazu ist
regelmäßig auch der Tüv vor Ort.
Ob der "Olympia Looping" mit Wiesnstart am Samstag geöffnet werden kann, ist derzeit noch nicht klar. Das letzte Wort hat hier aber wohl die Festleitung.
Bereits im vergangenen Jahr Achterbahn-Unfälle auf dem Oktoberfest
Auch im vergangenen Jahr ereignete sich ein Zwischenfall beim "Olympia Looping". Während des Betriebs blieb das Fahrgeschäft einfach stehen. Etwa 20 Fahrgäste mussten über Leitern heruntersteigen,
verletzt wurde niemand.
Bei einem Unfall auf der Achterbahn Höllenblitz wurden ebenfalls im vergangenen Jahr neun Menschen leicht verletzt. Zwei Waggons der Bahn waren zusammengestoßen, als der vordere gegen den dahinter fahrenden Waggon zurückgerollt war. Jeder der Züge war mit etwa 30 Menschen besetzt.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania — August 10, 2024
As the sun dipped below the horizon on the third night of the UNTOLD 2024 Festival, Arena Cluj came alive with palpable energy. The stadium, with its towering stands, provided a perfect vantage point
to witness a real spectacle. From every corner, the view was breathtaking – a sea of more than 100,000 people, packed shoulder to shoulder, their faces illuminated by the blinding stage lights, all
eagerly awaiting one of the most anticipated acts of the festival: Sam Smith.
UNTOLD, now the second biggest music festival in Europe and third globally, had outdone itself again. The festival, which had over 470,000 participants during the four days, turned Cluj-Napoca
into a global music hub. This year, with more than €70 million spent by festival goers, UNTOLD not only presented world-class music, but also became a cultural and economic powerhouse. Cluj Arena,
with a capacity of over 50,000 seats, had swelled to double its size, proof of the draw of the festival. This was a stage where legends were made, and tonight, it was Sam Smith's turn to take the
The Gloria tour: a musical and visual masterpiece
Sam Smith's Gloria Tour, named after their 2023 album Gloria, was a journey of self-expression, resilience and celebration. The tour, which has already garnered rave reviews across the globe, was a
masterclass in combining music with visual art. The set list for the evening was a carefully curated selection that took the audience on an emotional rollercoaster, weaving seamlessly between upbeat
anthems and soulful ballads.
The show started with the infectious hit "Unholy", a song that had the entire stadium cheering. As the beat dropped, the massive LED screens behind Smith flashed with vibrant colors and
provocative imagery, setting the tone for what would be a visually and emotionally charged night. The energy in the stadium was electric, with the fans singing along, their voices merging into a
powerful chorus that filled the night air.
As the night progressed, Sam Smith took the audience through a journey of their greatest hits. "I'm Not The Only One" saw the crowd swaying in unison, the emotion of the song reflected on the faces
of the audience members. When Smith launched into "How Do You Sleep?", the energy rose again, with the crowd dancing and waving their arms in time to the pulsating beat. The stage itself became a
character in the show, with each song accompanied by a unique visual narrative displayed on the massive screens.
One of the highlights of the night was during the performance of "Gloria", the title track of the album and tour. Sam Smith, dressed in a stunning black dress that seemed to glow under the lights,
delivered the song with a vulnerability that resonated deeply with the audience. The dress, designed with a dramatic silhouette and adorned with intricate detailing, was a visual representation of
the song's themes - elegant yet powerful, simple yet profound. As Smith sang, the screens behind them displayed images of celestial beings and ethereal landscapes, enhancing the song's spiritual and
uplifting tone. The crowd, mesmerized by the combination of Smith's voice and stunning visuals, responded with a standing ovation that echoed through the stadium.
Fashion and theatre: a visual feast
Sam Smith's fashion choices on the Gloria tour were as much a part of the show as the music itself, and their performance at UNTOLD Festival was no exception. The night's wardrobe was a celebration
of self-expression and artistry, with each outfit telling a story that complemented the songs performed.
The first outfit of the night was a silver ensemble that sparkled under the stage lights, drawing the eyes of everyone in the stadium. The silver, crystal-encrusted cape reflected the light in a
stunning array of colors, creating a magical aura around Smith as they moved across the stage. The reaction from the crowd was immediate – gasps of admiration followed by a wave of cheers that grew
louder as the song progressed.
Later on set, Smith appeared in a bold rainbow outfit, symbolizing passion and fire, and queer diversity. The dress, with its flowing fabric and deep color, contrasted beautifully with the darker
and more introspective moments of the show. The rainbow dress became the focal point during the performance of "Lay Me Down," a song that has always held a deep emotional meaning for fans. As Smith
performed, the arena was filled with a sea of swaying lights, with fans raising their phones in a moving tribute to the power of melody.
But perhaps the most talked about outfit of the night was the dramatic black dress worn in the last segment of the show. The dress, with its gothic elegance As Smith sang 'Stay With Me', the
inscriptions on the screens behind them - words of love, longing and heartache - created an emotional backdrop that brought many in the crowd to tears . The combination of hauntingly beautiful music,
powerful visuals and striking attire made for a moment that will be etched in the memories of those in attendance for years to come.
A festival of unity and celebration
As the opening notes of "Unholy" filled Cluj Arena, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause, a unique expression of joy and admiration that was felt in every corner of the stadium. The
magnitude of the moment was overwhelming – this wasn't just another gig; it was a shared experience, a moment of connection between artist and audience that transcended the music itself.
The atmosphere in the arena was one of collective euphoria. The fans, many of whom traveled from other countries just to be a part of the night, sang along to every word, their voices joining Smith's
in a powerful stage of unity. The stage, illuminated by a spectacular array of lights, seemed to beat in time with the music, adding to the sense of immersion that had captivated the audience.
As Sam Smith went through their setlist, the energy in the arena ebbed and flowed, building to feverish beats during upbeat numbers like "I'm Ready" and "How Do You Sleep?" and settling into moments
of introspective calm during ballads like "Lay Me Down." The audience responded in kind, dancing, clapping and even shedding tears as the music washed over them.
While Sam Smith's performance was a highlight, it was only part of the larger experience that is UNTOLD Festival. The festival is a celebration of diversity in music, art and culture, with multiple
stages offering a wide range of genres and performances. As Smith's set drew to a close, many in the crowd began to make their way to other stages, eager to catch the next big act or discover
something new. The movement of people around the stadium was a testament to the dynamic nature of the festival – there was always something going on, always another experience waiting just around the
But for those who stayed until the last note, there was a sense that they had witnessed something truly special. The connection between Sam Smith and the audience was palpable, a shared experience of
emotion and art that transcended barriers of language and nationality. As the final echoes of "Stay With Me" faded into the night, the crowd erupted into a final wave of applause, a fulminating
expression of appreciation for an artist who gave so much of themselves to the show.
A night of pure magic
As the final notes of "Stay With Me" echoed through the arena, a hush fell over the crowd. It was a moment of quiet reflection, a chance to absorb the magic that had just unfolded on stage. And then,
as Sam Smith took his final bow, the arena erupted in one last wave of applause, a flash of gratitude for an artist who had given so much of themselves to the audience.
Leaving Cluj Arena that night, there was a feeling that everyone was part of something really special. Sam Smith's performance at UNTOLD 2024 was not only a festival highlight, but a testament to the
power of music to bring people together, inspire and heal. In a world that often feels divided, this night was a reminder of the beauty of shared experience, of the joy that comes from losing
yourself in a moment of pure, unadulterated emotion.
As the lights dimmed and the crowd dispersed into the night, one thing was clear: this was a show to be remembered for years to come, a defining moment in the history of both the UNTOLD festival and
his illustrious career Sam Smith.
UNTOLD Festival: A global phenomenon
UNTOLD Festival has become more than just a music festival; it is a global cultural phenomenon. With its world-class line-up, stunning visuals and immersive experiences, it has set a new standard for
what a music festival can be. The festival's ability to bring people together from around the world, to create moments of unity and celebration, is what sets it apart from the rest. This year, with
over 470,000 attendees and a staggering economic impact, UNTOLD has once again proven why it is one of the most important events on the global festival calendar.
UNTOLD Festival, now firmly established as one of the most important music festivals in the world, has always been known for its ability to create such unforgettable moments. Spanning four days, the
festival is a marathon of music, art and culture, attracting some of the biggest names in the industry to its stages. This year, alongside Sam Smith, the line-up included a diverse range of artists
across the musical spectrum, from electronic giants such as Lost Frequencies, Netsky and Martin Garrix to pop-rock sensations such as Lenny Kravitz and EDM gods Swedish House Mafia or to afrobeats
stars like Burna Boy.
But it's not just the music that makes UNTOLD special. The festival transforms the entire city of Cluj-Napoca into a playground for the senses. Every corner of the city is alive with art
installations, street performances and pop-up events, creating a vibrant and immersive experience for hundreds of thousands of attendees. The sense of community and shared experience is palpable,
making UNTOLD not just a festival, but a cultural phenomenon.
Sam Smith's performance was a highlight, but it was the shared experience, the sense of community and the joy of the music that made the night and the festival so memorable. UNTOLD 2024 will be
remembered not just for its music, but for the magic it created, a magic that will resonate long after the final note has been played.
Written by Vlad Piriu for AgenturppF
Romania’s UNTOLD Festival has announced the next wave of artists set to perform at this year’s edition.
Almost completing its line-ups across four of the festival’s eight stages, UNTOLD has revealed new additions to this year’s monumental bill, including Zerb, Jax Jones, Mahmut Orhan, Nicky Romero, Steve Aoki, Salvatore Ganacci, Tujamo, Blasterjaxx, Gordo, and Stephan Bodzin.
Elsewhere, UNTOLD has added three new live acts who will take over the Main Stage this year: Tom Grennan, Louis Tomlinson, and Milky Chance.
Read this next: Belfast's AVA Festival unveils 10th anniversary line-up, stage splits, and afterparties
The newly announced artists add to this year’s bill across four stages: the Main Stage, the Galaxy Stage, the Day Dreaming Stage, and the Fortune Stage. Several more “special acts” are due to be announced over the coming months to complete this year’s line-up.
They join previously announced acts including Swedish House Mafia, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Martin Garrix, Alok, Lost Frequencies, FISHER, Black Coffee, Solomun, and Carl Cox, who will perform a hybrid-live set.
This year’s live acts, each due to perform on the festival’s Main Stage, include British singer-songwriter Sam Smith, US artist Lenny Kravitz, and Nigerian singer and record producer Burna Boy.
Read this next: Sheffield's No Bounds shares 2024 line-up featuring Flowdan, Manuka Honey, DJ Storm and more.
The four-day festival takes place this year from August 8 - 11 and features eight stages hosting more than 250 local and international electronic acts.
Each year at UNTOLD, a new “chapter” is revealed. This year’s theme is ‘Human is Nature’, based around the idea of “human awakening”. “It’s about awakening what we forgot – the fact that we are all part of nature,” UNTOLD revealed.
“It is within us. It has always been, and Transylvania is the gateway that takes each of us close to our roots, spirit, and essence. It feels like magic and brings peace.”
Grab your tickets to UNTOLD Festival 2024 here, and check out the newly announced line-ups below.
SUPERBLOOM Festival bestätigt erste Top-Acts wie Sam Smith, The Chainsmokers, CRO, Tokio Hotel und Domiziana für die dritte Ausgabe im September 2024.
Das SUPERBLOOM Festival verkündet den letzten und weltbekannten Headliner OneRepublic. Die Bestätigung des US-amerikanischen Pop-Rock-Acts wird neben Stars wie Sam Smith, Calvin Harris und Shirin David das Publikum am 7. und 8. September 2024 im Olympiapark München mitreißen.
Erst letzte Woche sorgten die Megastars mit dem Release ihrer offiziellen Hymne zur Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Zusammenarbeit mit den früheren SUPERBLOOM-Top-Acts Leony und Meduza für Aufsehen. Die Tatsache, dass OneRepublic nun als Headliner das SUPERBLOOM Line-up für 2024 vervollständigt, verspricht, ein weiteres Highlight für das Münchner Festival zu werden. Seit dem Durchbruch 2007 haben sich OneRepublicmit einer einzigartigen Fusion aus Pop und Rock zu globalen Superstars entwickelt. Hits wie „Counting Stars“, „Secrets“ und „Apologize“ sind weltweite Chart-Stürmer, die Millionen von Fans begeistern.
Das SUPERBLOOM verspricht ein unvergessliches Wochenende im pulsierenden Olympiapark München, vollgepackt mit mitreißender Musik, erstklassiger Unterhaltung und faszinierenden Erlebnissen für die ganze Familie.
Das 2-Tage-Ticket für Samstag & Sonntag ist ab 219 EUR erhältlich. Next Generation-Tickets für 16 & 17-Jährige werden zu einem vergünstigten Preis von 129 EUR und Kids-Tickets von 6 bis 15 Jahren für 49 EUR angeboten. Tagestickets sind ab 119 EUR erhältlich.
We are slowly starting our third day of the festival, we are all working in the press room, there is Paolo Nutini doing its soundcheck on the mainstage, we are all trying to put on paper our first impressions from our time spent here. It is the third day of the festival, but it is actually our fourth day of our presence here. so we had an extra day to get accustomed with the new Electric Castle.
There is a new Electric Castle, starting with 2024, an Electric Castle with a new location for the stages, we have Hangar moved near Lidl, we have dj booths in new and exotic locations, such as Lidl and The Castle Market. We have a Electric Castle with a better placement of the food trucks in the food courts, but in the same time, with less plugs in the tree area near Booha Stage. Poeple used to come here and work during the day, plugging their laptops or charging their phones. The only semi-public area with electric plugs, is the one behing Glo.
Last night was practically the first night with propper music, so we ran a lot between the mainstage and Hangar and yes, this time we didn`t include Booha in our trips through the festival. Due to the distances beween stages, we can only pick 2 or 3 stages that we visit religiously. We had Delia and Vita de Vie last night on the mainstage, we had Kungs and Rema, and then we ran towards the Hangar Stage to see EMIL and Jurjak, and in the same time, Cavalera and Apache.
Delia is always a very nice act to see, with a lot of rock`n roll riffs. spreading a good vibe and making people headbang in the audience, preparing them for the great 25th anyversary of one of the most iconic romanian rock albums of all times, Fenomental by Vita de Vie. We were actually glad to see Vita de Vie at Electric Castle since we missed them on their first anniversary, on July 6th. Adrian Despot and his crew delivered the same emotion and force as you would expect. From the Mainstage we moved pretty quickly to Hangar Stage, where we banged our heads on the brutal riffs of Cavalera, taking us back to our Highschool days, when Sepultura was driving the neighbours nuts, because you couldn`t listen to it without bringing the volume to the maximum. Coming back to the Mainstage, we had Rema, that brought with his music a new vibe to Electric Castle with his afrobeats. It was actually the first time, when Electric Castle chose to try new musical genres for its line-up. Unsurprisingly enough, it was full at the mainstage during his concert, the people sang and danced troughout all his set. The night ended with Apache and his Brass Band.
And in the end, let us not forget the talkshows that are spread all around the festival, we had the opportunity to assist to some very colorful talks with Maria Popovici. It was a very beautiful chat amongst the peoples expectations towards the gender roles in society, domestic violence and its influence on child education. We had Aluziva as a host and also a lot of dicks in the discourse but what the hack, the guest was a very reputable stand-up comedian so what is wrong if you throw a dick here and there, just to get some more smiles from the audience.
We are ready for a full night, with Bring me the Horizon on the Mainstage, with HVNDS, Coma and Paolo Nutini, with Dub Pistols Dj Diesel and Camo and Crooked on Hangar Stage, and other 50 other live acts scattered all around the festival.
Written by Irina Marinescu for AgenturppF
The 2023 edition of the Electric Castle Festival was one with an incendiary line-up, being the first of the series of festivals in Bontida, where for 5 days the music blared from the loudspeakers non-stop
Electric Castle 2023 witnessed an electrifying show in the presence of the legendary Iggy Pop, who left his unmistakable mark on the entire festival and its participants. Held in the picturesque Bánffy Castle in Cluj, Romania, the festival provided the perfect setting for an evening of high-energy rock and roll, with Iggy Pop providing an unforgettable experience.
It was another night of fun at the Electric Castle, despite the rain code orange. Tens of thousands of people ignored the whims of nature and danced until sunrise. The legendary Iggy Pop took the stage with the same energy he had 30 years ago. Everything, to the joy of the partygoers, who felt the adrenaline to the fullest.
The legendary American singer Iggy Pop, who was in Romania for the first time, took the stage at the Electric Castle shortly after 10 p.m. The artist kept the audience hooked for minutes on end. The young people who came to the festival wanted to take full advantage of the last moments before the rain came and had a lot of fun. They didn't forget the outfits either, which were spectacular.
That evening, the atmosphere at Electric Castle was magical. As the sun set behind the Gothic ruins of Bánffy Castle, the stage was bathed in vibrant lights that danced in sync with the music. The anticipation of the legendary moment was palpable; fans from all over the world had gathered on the lawn in front of the main stage, many dressed in Iggy Pop t-shirts, to complete the evening's punk rock landscape.
Throughout the concert of the legendary Iggy Pop, the festival was filled with a mixture of historical charm and modern exuberance. Food stalls offering a range of international cuisines, art installations and interactive experiences dot the landscape, giving festival goers plenty to explore before the main event. The sense of community was strong, with strangers quickly becoming friends out of shared excitement for what was to come.
The crowd in front of the stage was a diverse melange of ages and socio-cultural backgrounds, people brought together by their love of Iggy Pop and his lasting influence on rock music. Young festivalgoers mingled with die-hard fans, many of whom have followed Iggy's career since its early days with The Stooges. The energy was infectious, people spontaneously danced and sang along throughout the show.
Iggy Pop's show at Electric Castle was at the level of a rock and roll masterclass. From the first chords, Iggy Pop fully proved, if this was needed, that he still possesses the raw energy and charisma that turned him into an iconic figure of universal music. His gravelly and powerful voice reverberated through the night, each track delivered with the same ferocity and passion that has defined his career.
The setlist was a perfect mix of classic hits and newer material, each song meticulously chosen to keep the energy high and the audience's interest high.
Thus, the recital was opened by I Wanna Be Your Dog - the song that set the tone for the evening, instantly igniting the crowd, followed by Gimme Danger - whose powerful riffs completely captivated
the audience. Lust for Life came just in time, to bring the entire audience's voices in unison, transforming the entire atmosphere into a real highlight of the entire evening. After this, The
Passenger surprised the entire audience by dancing and applauding. Search and Destroy came next, as a symbol of the artist's punk roots, this song brought a raw, chaotic energy to the stage. Then
came legendary songs like Five Foot One, Real Wild Child (Wild One), Nightclubbing - A slower, atmospheric track that gave the crowd a brief respite before the next onslaught of rock music began.
Some Weird Sin - The driving beat and catchy chorus was a crowd favorite. The evening then continued with China Girl - The special interpretation of this classic song brought a touch of romance to
the whole set. The rest of the songs included Mass Production, Candy, No Fun, Down on the Street, I'm Bored, Gardenia and ending the evening with Skull Ring, a song whose energy left the audience
with an insatiable appetite for more.
It was a memorable night, precisely because Iggy Pop offered an experience that is hard to match, through charisma and an enviable stage presence, despite his advanced age. His ability to connect with the audience, both through his music and his overflowing energy, made the entire recital an experience
unforgettable. The synergy between Iggy and his fans generated an explosion of raw energy from the crowd, where his powerful music created a sense of unity throughout the evening. As the final notes faded and the crowd began to disperse, the entire audience felt like they were witnessing something truly special. Iggy Pop hadn't just sung; had shared with the entire audience an impressive piece of rock history, leaving the entire audience with the feeling of having a similar experience with this unmistakable legend of the world music landscape as soon as possible.
Written by Irina Marinescu
Electric Castle 2023 at Bánffy Castle in Cluj, Romania was nothing short of spectacular, and Macklemore's performance stood out as one of the highlights of the festival. The rapper and his band performed an enthusiastic performance that captivated the audience, creating an electrifying atmosphere that continued late into the night.
The atmosphere at Electric Castle was a perfect blend of historic charm and modern festival vibes. The Gothic ruins of Bánffy Castle provided a stunning backdrop, enhanced by dazzling lights that
turned the night into a visual feast. As the sky darkened, the wait for Macklemore's concert made festival-goers gather in increasing numbers in front of the main stage, eagerly awaiting the moment
when the artist would take the stage.
The energy in the crowd was contagious. People from all over the world gathered together to sing their favorite songs, dance and celebrate the moment. From the moment he took the stage, Macklemore's charisma and energy were undeniable. He dominated the stage and the entire audience with a strong presence, thus managing to give the impression to every person in the audience that he is an integral part of the show.
Macklemore was accompanied on stage by an important suite of instrumentalists and dancers who brought an extra touch of joy and vitality to the music. Their synergy was evident, with each member contributing to the overall energy and musicality of the show.
The night's set list was a perfect mix that encompassed a significant number of Macklemore's greatest hits and newer tracks, each song meticulously chosen to keep the audience engaged and energized. Ain't Gonna Die Tonight – A perfect song to open the night, which set the tone full of energy, then followed by Thrift Shop – during which the crowd erupted into cheers, singing the entire song word for word. Can't Hold Us was followed by Glorious - An uplifting anthem that had the audience resonating to extreme heights. Willy Wonka - A playful and dynamic track that was living proof of the unique versatility of Macklemore's music. White Walls got the audience into a state of dance and was followed by Same Love - an emotional moment that surprised the audience as the light asked the night with the help of phones. Downtown – came just in time to bring back the fun and energy that kept the crowd moving. Marmelade then followed, captivating the crowd with their infectious rhythms and overflowing energy. Good Old Days, generated a deep state of nostalgia, creating the perfect setting for Ten Million - A newer track that was warmly received by the audience. Corner Store, Firebreather, Excavate, Brad Pitt's Cousin and Dance Off followed.
Influence on the festival
Macklemore's performance at Electric Castle 2023 was more than just a concert; it was a celebration of music, unity and positive energy. His ability to combine meaningful lyrics with infectious beats and a dynamic stage presence made his set one of the highlights of the festival.
Echoes about Macklemore's concert spread throughout the festival. Attendees were full of emotion, sharing their favorite moments and singing along to his songs long after the set was over. Its
message of inclusion and celebration of individuality resonated deeply with the diverse crowd, reinforcing the festival's ethos of bringing people together through music.
Macklemore's concert at Electric Castle 2023 was an unforgettable experience that highlighted the power of music to unite and inspire. His performance, backed by a talented band and carefully curated
setlist, created an atmosphere of joy and camaraderie that left a lasting impression on all who attended. As the final notes faded and the crowd began to disperse, it was clear that Macklemore had
not only delivered an incredible set.
Written by Irina Marinescu
The Electric Castle Team launches Theworld we dream of:10 years of Electric Castle in 5 minutes |Short movie |
the result is a video material that reveals unique situations in the history of the festival. disappears just when you need it, artists that you break up with only to get back together, even a small tornado - these are the parts that no one takes into account when starting a festival. You go on, gripped by Bonțida fever, and you find solutions. You know that you are not alone, but you are with all those who dream, like you, of a different world", says Tudor Costinaș, Head of Communications Electric Castle. already known. They are the ones who will be part of the festival team, ready to build again, from the ground up, the space where Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon, Queens of The Stone Age, Chase and Status, Rema, Sean Paul, Ricardo Villalobos, Paolo Nutini and Khruangbin will discover Bonțida, a unique audience and the world that thousands of fans proudly call their favorite festival.
Written by Irina Marinescu
Electric Castle launches EC Radioand daily schedule of the 2024 edition |
"The Electric Castle experience - anywhere, anytime" is the promise of the newest online radio station launched by the festival, which is preparing for its 10th edition. EC Radio perfectly
reflects the mix of musical styles specific to the festival, with special broadcasts dedicated to the artists who will be present, starting from July 17 this year, on the stages of the castle. The
exact date of the live shows can be found, starting today, in the daily schedule published on waiting for Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon or Queens of The Stone Age at Electric Castle, but for anyone looking for different musical selections. From today, mornings start with "Stuck in Traffic", 3 hours of recommendations from the festival's booking department. Shows like "Down Memory Lane" offer playlists for the nostalgic, with artists present at past editions of the festival, while "Your Next Favorite Artist" invites discoveries, with new artists who stand out with a personal sound. Training for EC 10 is done with shows dedicated to artists from the 2024 lineup. EC radio can be listened to exclusively online, at on July 17 with Reel Party by BT & DJ Yoda, a concept that has been enthusiastically received at previous editions. On Thursday, July 18, the festival will vibrate with Afro, techno, drum and bass and metal rhythms with Rema, Kungs and Bonobo, Apashe & The Brass Orchestra and Cavalera. weekend is reserved for the legends: Massive Attack and Queens of The Stone Age are live on Saturday, July 20, when Chase and Status, Khruangbin and Marc Rebillet are also scheduled. July 21 will be marked by Sean Paul's dancehall style and Palaye Royale, who will fascinate with their fashion-art rock style. Sevdaliza, Kenya Grace and Todd Terje will also be on the final day of EC 10. + taxes. The complete program for Electric Castle 2024 and tickets are available at
Written by Irina Marinescu |
Afrobeat sensation Rema joins theartists in the Electric Castle 2024 line-up |
Rema, the Nigerian artist who convinced the whole world to rediscover Afrobeat rhythms, completes the line-up announced for Electric Castle 2024. Along with Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon,
Queens of The Stone Age, Chase and Status, Sean Paul and Paolo Nutini, Rema will be present on the main stage of the festival, between July 17 and 21. Spotify mark, and the song managed to challenge the whole world to discover a complex artist and a new creative direction in Afrobeat music. His debut album Rave & Roses Ultra bears the imprint of Nigerian music, but is full of influences from trap, electro and even jazz, a style that Rema defines as afrorave and which has convinced personalities like Barrack Obama to recommend his tracks. Rema, the sensation afrobeat, joins Electric Castle 2024 line-up artists (2) "Soundgasm", but Rema is increasingly mentioning new projects with big names in American rap, which would come next to materialize in the near future. With a bit of luck, Romanian fans will have the chance to listen to them live at the festival. techno scene. At the forefront of electronic music for over 20 years, Villalobos is inventive, flamboyant, very little interested in success, but obsessed with discovering new approaches to music. The DJ who imposed a surprising level of subtlety in the electro style will be present on the Dance Garden Stage, along with the other 35 artists proposed in the Sunrise Takeover. the price of 139 Euros (plus taxes). The complete list of artists present at Electric Castle 2024, all types of subscriptions available and accommodation options in the festival campsite can be found at
Written by Irina Marinescu
Full line-up for Electric Castle 2024
Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon, Queens of The Stone Age, Chase and Status, Sean Paul and Paolo Nutini – this is what the headliners of the 10th edition of the Electric Castle festival look like. Another 300 artists from all musical genres will be present at Banffy Castle, in Bonțida, between July 17 and 21, to create a new edition that is even more eclectic, exotic and explosive. Massive Attack and Queens of The Stone Age have created musical styles, becoming benchmarks for entire generations of musicians, while bands such as Bring Me The Horizon and Chase and Status are revolutionizing their versatility and appetite for experimentation in different musical areas. everything you'd expect from a rapper born in the reggae capital, but his record of hits (1.2 billion listens in 2023 alone) and awards (Grammy, AMA, Billboard) says much more about ambition, talent and the power to create a brand. In the opposite register, Paolo Nutini comes with a cocktail of rock and soul, a voice that stirs emotions and more than 20 years of career that has brought him millions of fans. With Marc Rebillet, the most "playful" DJ of the moment, Shaquille O'Neal aka DJ Diesel aka NBA star turned drum and bass star, Sevdaliza, the artist experimenting with Iranian rhythms in pop music, and L'Entourloop, the collective project led by two Frenchmen who pose as "grandfathers of hip-hop", Electric Castle refuses recipes in the line-up and follows its own creative instinct. Bonobo, Cavalera Brothers, Sleaford Mods, Iguana Death Cult, She Wants Revenge, Palaye Royale, iLe, Derya Yildirim & Group Simşek, Fulu Miziki , Subcarpathi, Vița de Vie, Coma, Vama, Irina Rimes, Byron, Delia, Șuie Paparude, CTC and dozens of other names are confirmed to take the stage at Electric Castle.
Written by Irina Marinescu
Electric Castle 2024 -Tickets and lineup |
Electric Castle 2024 - Tickets and lineup Start time 12:00 Access time / gate opening 12:00:00 Banffy Castle, Bontida
Electric Castle will return in 2024 with its tenth edition, an anniversary one, which will promise unmissable concerts and an electrifying atmosphere. The event will take place between July 17-21.
Written by Irina Marinescu
The first wave of artists at Electric Castle2024! Massive Attack,BMTH and Queensof The Stone Age are coming
The first wave of artists at Electric Castle 2024! Massive Attack, BMTH and Queens of The Stone Age are coming
edition of the Bonțida festival! Massive Attack, Bring Me The Horizon and Queens of The Stone Age are the first big names to be confirmed for the 10th edition. of the stage there, in front of the legend Josh Homme, then Bring Me The Horizon for the third time at the festival, but I want to tell you that it's never enough BMTH in EC and Chase and Status in a live formula, which is unusual for him. About once every 5-6 years he comes out with this formula. For drum and bass lovers, put it in the calendar, with a red pen! Of course, there are many, many other artists. We have a few dozen artists,” Electric Castle PR Renate Roca-Rozenberg said on the Morning Glory show Wednesday morning. from the line-up were given. with "a lot of rock and trip hop". by Chase and Status (live), Marc Rebillet, Nina Kraviz, Bonobo, Dj Shadow, Sleaford Mods, among many other names, and a surprise guest: Shaquille O'Neal aka DJ Diesel, NBA legend and self-proclaimed "dubstep dad". Fans have the chance to see all these names at Electric Castle for a price of only 119 Euros, a special promotion until December 20", the organizers said in a statement.
and inspired a whole generation of artists through their extraordinary creative power in music, visual arts and activism. Massive Attack fully deserves its status as a cult band and the organizers of Electric Castle are honored to offer the public the chance to listen, live, to iconic songs such as Teardrop, Angel or Unfinished Sympathy. promoting a new album that will surprise fans with a different sound. At the band's first appearance in Romania, Queens of The Stone Age (QOTSA) promise a masterclass in rock! QOTSA is prepared with a show that goes through all periods of the career of the legendary band, from hits like Nobody Knows and I Sat By The Ocean, to the recent Carnavoyeur. Seeing Josh Homme live on the main stage at Electric Castle is a dream come true for any alternative rock lover.
of the best D'n'B artists will be at the castle live, which is very rare for the British duo. Two legends, both with roots in trip hop and an impressive career behind them: DJ Shadow, the man who turned sampling into art, and Bonobo, the producer whose discography is a whole journey between musical styles, are also on the bill Electric Castle 2024. own living room. Meanwhile, 'Loop Daddy', nicknamed for the live looping techniques he uses, has gone on to sold out concerts and is preparing a one-of-a-kind show for Electric Castle, while Nina Kraviz will bring to the festival her unique style that combines house and techno. backboards: Shaquille O'Neal is on the EC poster as DJ Diesel, the man who converted the energy of sports into intense dubstep sets. and psychedelic rock, and Sleaford Mods, the British band proving that punk music continues to evolve. Among the female presences in the line-up, fans of the young Kenya Grace are waiting to discover the Strangers concert version, no. 1 in the UK this autumn. After a Grammy nomination, Jayda G, the producer who released remixes for big names like Taylor Swift or Dua Lipa, makes her EC debut. Hospitality Night @ Electric Castle means, in its 10th edition, an extended show with Degs, Unglued, Camo & Krooked feat. DAXTA, Anaïs, HOAX and PVC.
until December 20, with the possibility of purchase in 6 installments. The full list of confirmed artists, all types of subscriptions available and accommodation options in the festival campsite can be found at
Written by Irina Marinescu
Electric Castle schedules its 10th edition for July 17-21, 2024
Electric Castle fans can officially start the countdown to the 2024 edition! The 10th edition of the festival will take place between July 17 and 21, 2024, and the organizers are already present on the Bánffy field, preparing the ground for the hundreds of thousands of expected participants. of this summer's edition, which marked an audience record in the event's history: 232,000 participants. Until the announcement of the first confirmed artists for the 10th edition, the organizers are looking carefully towards the European Festival Awards. Electric Castle is nominated for the 8th consecutive year, this time in the Best Major Festival category, after, in 2019, it received the title of Best Medium-Sized Festival. Along with industry experts, the public can nominate the best events of the year with a vote here. started preparations for the festival. EC continues the approach started this spring to transform the festival campsite into a relaxing space with plenty of shade for the public and a park for the community of Bonțida by planting trees. At the end of the project, 10,000 trees will be planted, on an area of approximately 10 hectares. to adopt effective sustainability strategies for events in Europe. Thus, in addition to the already known actions, including selective recycling, supporting eco-friendly transport to and from the festival or protecting historical heritage, Electric Castle will continue to develop new programs to reduce the impact on the environment. , in the early bird promotion until November 14. Those who wish can from now on reserve a place in the festival campsite by purchasing an access ticket, and subsequently opt for one of the accommodation options.
Written by Irina Marinescu